terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

I am...

... very territorial. Stay out of my space if you're not invited please.
... naive and people usually take advantage of that.
... a bit too ironic.
... insecure.
... a perfectionist freak.
... generally right about my first impressions.
... crazy and not afraid to admit it.
... a full time dreamer.
... the best friend and worst enemy you can have.
... hungry for knowledge.
... stubborn when I'm sure I'm right.
... too hard on me sometimes.
... a natural born observer.
... vengeful. I can wait years if I must.
... patient. For the good and the bad.
... passionate about inumerous things.
... smiling most of the time.
... pretty f***ed up when I'm angry, but it takes a lot to get me there.
... a living "work in progress".
... a walking disaster, completly clumsy.
... a person who can say: "I love you", "I'm sorry", "please" and "help" in the right ocasions.
... joking almost all day.
... eclectic. I'm like this strange soup with bits of people, influences, icons with ingredients always being added.

...A nice person, just don't mess with me.

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