Some people understand it, some don't. Well, mainly the people who understand it have experienced it, as simple as this.
It has so many forms of manifestation... every case is different.
The thing that pisses me off about this is the way people who don't undertand what a depression is react to you: some think you shoud get into a psychic ward, others think that you try everyday to jump off a cliff and some just think that you're plain crazy.
Well I have news for you my ignorant friends: I NEVER tried to jump off a cliff, I definetly don't need to check myself in a psych ward and I'M NOT A LUNATIC, O.K.?!
Depression is something that came into my life when an avalanche of problems suddlenly and completly without a warning started happening to me. At first I tried to fight back at all that was happening but eventually the snow covered me entirely and I couldn't avoid sinking. I felt hopeless, worthless, miserable. It's not that I wanted to die, I just wanted to disappear.
I lost every interest I once had in things that I love, like painting, drawing, reading, listening to music, etc. The world had no interest for me at all. I felt like a vegetable and that feeling frustrated me... I wanted so hard to feel a little hint of joy in my body when all it allowed me to was apathy, sadness and sometimes pure despair.
I looked for help, and of course, it came gradually, depression won't go away as quickly as it comes to you, it takes time, effort, change, patience.
I'm still fighting it and almost winning after 4 years of pain. I've been reducing my medication, my visits to my doc are rare, and this next months I'm cutting medication for good.
If you're one of the types that I described earlier, please, inform yourself before judging others... Please respect the ones who suffer from this disease ( yes, baby, it's a DISEASE, like a flu! ), don't be an ass to them because they're in enough trouble as it is to have to deal with your stupidity and dumbness. If you can't understand... well, at least stay away and don't make it worse.